Welcome to the People Acting
Together in Howard (PATH) website! PATH is an interfaith network
of active communities in Howard County and an affiliate of the
Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF).
Industrial Areas Foundation is the oldest and largest
institution for community organizing in the United States. For
sixty years, the IAF's mission has been to train people to take
responsibility for solving the problems in their own communities
and to renew the interest of citizens in public life.
Applications Open for Summer Jobs with READY
We are looking for 16-26 year-olds to apply to the READY
(Restoring the Environment and Developing Youth) Program as Crew
Members and Crew Leaders. READY provides full-time, living wage
summer employment building raingardens in Howard County at
congregations, schools and non-profits. To apply, please fill
out our online application
HERE. PATH in the News: Baltimore Sun,
Critics demand a better health and wellness policy for Howard
Baltimore Sun, 7/23/12
READY program provides jobs for youth, rain gardens for
community US State News, 5/2/12
Waterworld Annapolis
Patch, 3/28/12
Clean Water Supporters Rally in Annapolis Howard County Times,
Residents respond to opposition, show support for CA's
women-only swim times
Baltimore Sun, 11/10/11
Faith-based group lobbies for Howard politicians' support,
Funding for seniors' in-home care, youth jobs among top
priorities Washington Post, 6/17/10
Legislation gives mobile-home owners protection if land is sold

400 PATH leaders at an accountability session with politicians

Governor O'Malley signs a bill PATH
championed to protect residents of some of the last affordable
housing in Maryland--the people
who live in 14,000 mobile homes statewide.

PATH Leaders won a
reduction in bus waiting times from one hour to 30 minutes
in the County |